Psychotherapy and Jungian Analysis
“The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul...”
C.G. Jung
Working in Depth to create an authentic life!
I am an IAAP Certified Jungian Analyst practicing in Calabasas, California.
In my Psychotherapy Practice, I work with a variety of people with a broad spectrum of issues including but not limited to:
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Relationship and Communication Issues
• Childhood Trauma, Emotional, Physical and Sexual Abuse
• Emotional Growth and Development, Self Esteem, Identity
• Sleep Disorders: Insomnia, Nightmares
• Chronic Illness
• Second half of life concerns: Midlife Crisis, Aging
• Grief and Loss
• Spirituality
• Creative Blocks
I believe that the transformative process that takes place within the safe environment of the relationship is founded upon deep listening and dialog. It is important for me to understand your concerns and life goals, and to be sensitive to what challenges you. Throughout these many years of practice, I have been honored to participate in my clients’ endeavors to achieve an authentic life.
My love of dreams and the desire to understand the intertwining of the spiritual and psychological mystery of life brought me to the works of C.G. Jung 30 years ago. As an adjunct to face-to-face therapy, I may also work with Dreams, Expressive Art, Sandplay and Active Imagination. These powerful techniques can facilitate the understanding of the unconscious process and help create positive changes in your daily life.
My community outreach has included teaching seminars to both therapists (as they develop their skills) and to the general public. These classes include: Dreamwork in Therapy, Images of Wholeness in Dreams and Sandplay, Keeping Balanced During Stressful Times, and Women in Transition, The Second Half of Life. I was also privileged to be the Dream Consultant for the Discovery Health Network television show, Dream Decoders.
I am a participating member of the C. G. Jung Study Center of Southern California.